Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Belo Monte Dam and why i stopped eating fish.

Recently i saw the photo on facebook of Kayapo chief Raoni Metuktire crying in despair for the devastation that awaits his ancestral land, along the Xingu River in the Amazon. This led me to read again about the Belo Monte Dam project which i had put in my bottom drawer of interests last June after i returned from Rio + 20. I was devastated by the news, hectare after hectare of sacred Amazon, lungs of Mother Earth, source of beauty and medicine. I went into a kind of emotional shock, meaning, crying at the drop of a hat and commenting in outrage with friends and family about the LINGERING stupidity of humans regarding ecology. I suppose it is particularly heart breaking for me because i was created in the Amazon. I discovered my essential sense of service to the healing, regeneration and protection of the Planet when i lived in the Leticia area at age 19. My connection with that Mother Land goes deep in my essence. Have you seen or know about how the Kayapó Indians have been fighting Belo Monte along side with many activists around the world? They have fought it with heart and soul beyond belief. They have been as brave as to declare WAR to the companies and government. I mean, who in their "right mind" would declare war on corporations or government when their weapons are Profound Tradition, Beauty, Spiritual Strength, Knowledge of the Rainforest? But they did. And they did their dances, their prayers, their ceremonies. They did their sitting in court and congress rooms, their signature collections, their press conferences, campaigns with politicians, their learning of the western ways of DEALING WITH IDIOTS THAT HAVE MONEY, POWER AND PLAY POLITICS! And still the presidenta do Brazil signed a total yes to Belo Monte recently. HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF ACRES OF RAINFOREST WILL BE A DAM. A few days later a friend posted on fb about her pain after reading about the Belo Monte dam through this picture and asked "what can we do". I kept trying to find a compelling answer to that without sounding dogmatic or falling apart because in the concrete real life, material sense, i feel impotent about Belo Monte. The most immediate thing i think WE CAN DO as people, is to REALLY CONNECT WITH OUR CONSUMPTION HABITS. And I don't mean consumption as a judgement. I mean consumption as a human function that must happen with conscious judgment. I still see a lot of friends and acquaintances that seem concerned about what´s happening to the Earth, have buying power to afford buying ecological products, but still use Crest toothpaste, drink Coke, have cable TV, etc. There needs to be a balance and we cannot beat ourselves up EVERYTHING, but hey, it is time to deepen even more our commitment to change. A very obvious and daily way to wield power is going around inside our wallets. What´s closer in our immediate reach: to become a human barrier for dam building machinery? or to choose not to put a product in our shopping cart even though we absolutely love it, it´s groovy, it makes us feel great, and what´s more! -we can afford it? Why would consumer consciousness help the Kayapó Indians, the Xingú River and The Amazon Rainforest? Quantum Physics? Isn't the reality synchronistic enough? Is it possible that everything is truly interconnected? An evolutionary answer to empower ourselves is to develop EVEN MORE consumption awareness. To rise up to the occasion and become braver and more diligent in accepting our role as MORE responsible, MORE informed, and more ECO-CENTRIC consumers. Ask the right questions, read the ingredients, and accept the answers, "shoot, I guess I won´t be buying that." Starting personal campaigns to transform a consumption habit is what i have been doing for years. I ask the questions: HOW FAR ARE WE WILLING TO LET GO OF WHAT WE THINK WE NEED, OR INDEED LET GO LITTLE BY LITTLE OF WHAT WE LOVE AND REPLACE IT WITH WHAT THE MOTHER CAN GIVE US HUMBLY, locally, organically, non-gmo, recycled. Green. IN ORDER TO SAVE OUR PLANET? HOW MANY LIGHTS DO YOU NEED TO HAVE ON? HOW MANY MORE DEVICES WILL YOU BE NEEDING TO CHARGE? HOW MUCH SUSHI DO I NEED TO EAT? If everything is interconnected then changing my consumption habits will help indirectly causes that might seem impossible. But here I am, making weird connections to make my self more useful, writing this from my computer, powered by the grid, fueled by coal, or hydroelectric energy? This is why I stopped eating fish. Glad to be back! Next blog will be about why being such a passionate leader did not help me to live peacefully in my intentional community.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Detox homosapiens soul please

I have been out of the blog picture for many many moons. Time as in the 12:60 frequency has absolutely lost its meaning. It just operates as a camisa de fuerza, a very constricting frame that continues to attempt to keep us under control. I have been reading about AIDS and how it has been used to corruptly by the system. I read about this orphanage in New York, the Incarnation Children’s Center where they use orphans from HIV-AIDS mothers to make AIDS drugs trials on, saying that they are fighting to save their lives when it is obvious that the drugs are destroying them. Then i saw the video of Severn Suzuki, a 12 year old speaking at the UN Conference of the Environment in Brazil. She told the adults her perspective on how they are destroying the world day by day. And how bad it is that those of us who have want so much more all the time.

I should be sleeping now. But instead i am being guided to reflect upon my current status as ecosapiens to be. I am intoxicating my self with negative emotions caused by unconscious behaviors established growing up in a toxic environment as people are told lies about their immunodeficiencies created by toxic environments, and children have o go out and fight for their right to see their own children be able to enjoy what will be left in this crazy world.

Plant grow in our green house. Cabbage, 2 kinds of kale, onions, squash, calendula, rosemary... My 4 year old child knows what compost is and helps us remember to turn the lights off when us grown ups forget. I am surrounded by ecologically sound consumption options (for the most part), most, if not all my friends recycle and are somewhat involved in the local food movement, at least. I don´t know when was the last time i heard about car theft in my town. I live in a bubble. I am 100% committed to living a green life. My actions speak very loudly. But the only way i can manage to do that is by not getting the news. Not watching TV. Avoiding almost entirely to hear about what my fellow humans, the rest of species and the elements are suffering. I imagine it, i feel it when i am meditating, praying. But i live in a bubble. And when it bursts in nights like this one where i am driven to read about HIV because of a loved one, i feel absolute dispair even though i will be eating my own home grown veggies for many months to come. Even though i have this ecovillage where we are creating a real community, organized, productive ecologically, where people truly want to live together again, because we know that only together we can do this job... i feel total dispair because even though i live in this bubble, my body is suffering all that negativity that is what intoxicates me and i don´t know how to stop it, just like they don´t know why they think it is a good idea to do aids drug trials on already miserable children, just like they don´t know how to stop the radiation from leaking, or how to cover back the ozone layer, or live without oil...

Tomorrow my plants will be bigger.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Interview with ecosapiens

Sabina Eco: They say you already exist, so I think I can ask you how? How do we do to be like you? How can I do everything I do better?

Ecosapiens: first of all, I can see you are doing the best you can. Congratulations. Continue to do what you are doing. Beauty. How do you make it? With beauty from the basis.

S.E.: OK. Sabina Peace With the Earth. But what if I mess up?

E.S.: Just don't hurt your self and you'll see how everything is going to be fine.

S.E. (a bit exasperated already): But, what does this mean and what does it have to do with evolving into ecosapient?

E.S.: i don't know, for example "go with the flow"

S.E.: ...mmm...

E.S.: allow me to tell you, stop trying to control everything so much. Let your body take control and you'll see how everything begins to flow... believe me...

S.E. yes, but you have not responded to the question of WHAT IF I MESS UP?

E.S. well... what happens when you mess up?

S.E.: me enojo, o me deprimo, o me da ansiedad, miedo, ganas de salir corriendo del este planeta! I get pissed off, or depressed, anxious, I become afraid and just want to get the heck out!

E.S.: when you get like that, go talk to a plant, breathe in the landscape. This is how we correct children when they get confused, angry or afraid. We tell them to go talk to a plant, a big tree, a rock. We tell them to find a being they don't understand very much and talk with them to gain perspective.

S.E.: smart ecosapiens!

The ecosapiens live in the mirage formed by the landscape when it reflects on a human body which takes its form. It is extremely difficult to see them but you can if you have imagination and learn to breathe in the landscape, if you take a few moments at least every now and then to listen and talk to a being outside of your species.

Ask the water, ask the dancing trees and breathe.

Sabina Eco is a self induced bridge person between homo and ecosapiens. There are millions out there.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Human essence

Human essence can be an obstacle to evolution, at the same time it is the way to evolution. To evolve we must understand our nature as beings debating with duality to reach peace in the heart. Learn to be "connected" ALL THE TIME. Wash our souls from non ecological thinking so that we may be HAPPY and in happiness shed our materialistic fears that teach us that "we are not enough". Not beautiful enough which we have solved by buying something to be more beautiful. Not wealthy enough which has meant obsessing about how to have more and make more, no matter what or who we may have to destroy.

I am searching deeply into ecosapiens teachings because i want to be happy. A happy healthy human saving the world. But i often find a huge wall of ingratitude and negativity inside me when i am feeling blue, sad, emotional, frustrated, discouraged by the steep hills of life and this is what i say:

I am blessed but i am miserable
i am beautiful but i am a monster
i am wise but i can't see
i am committed but i lust
i am healthy but i hurt
i am rich but i am poor
i am ignorant but i have traveled
i am a mother but i destroy
i am strong but i flee
i am great but i am lame
i love but i avoid
i am pure but i hate
i am me but i escape
i am free but i want
i do and i can't
i am here but sometimes i'd rather die


Ecosapiens says:

Give thanks
Learn from nature
Breathe in the landscape
Eat plants
water is life
there is no such thing as garbage
aerobic bacterias have more fun
take less showers and more river baths
all the water in the world is ONE being
eat fresh snow
water a plant

What else?

Monday, February 23, 2009

What is EcoSapiens?

EcoSapiens II.

Some characteristics of ecosapiens.

-Ecosapiens thinks and acts Earth.

-Ecosapiens are grateful.

-Ecosapiens know and live these truths:

-that reality is ecologically centered, ecologically determined
(and not anthropocentrically relative);

-that photosynthesis is holy magic; and water; and sunlight; and the residua of stars; that the life on Earth that photosynthesis, water, and the residua of stars enables is holy magic; that spirituality and religion come from out of Earth, serve and nurture Earth;

-that Earth/Gaia the sun driven superorganism has all the attributes that we have historically given to God, and therefore must be defined and treated as such;

-that they exist in the body of Gaia, as organelles of Earth, like the cells, tissues and organelles of their own bodies; that their blood is like the water, their veins and arteries the streams and rivers; their bones the stones, and on…

-that they are one species among many, no lesser or greater than any other, living in a community of life where no other species is expendable, all are necessary, no more or less than the organs and elements of our own bodies;

-that the reason for our existence is to with the whole of our being, to resonate with, reflect upon, marvel at, celebrate, love, honor, actively care for and serve the Earth/Creation – especially and particularly the physical body of the Earth/the ecosphere -- consciously as a part of the great Earth body and being; this is the best way to care for human beings, humanity, who are nothing but of Earth;

-that human beings become what we know as “godly”, have extraordinary powers, only to the degree that they - with the whole of their being - resonate with, reflect upon, marvel at, celebrate, love, honor, actively care for and serve the Earth/Creation, consciously as a part of the great Earth body and being;

-that true intelligence and wisdom is Earth intelligence, ecological intelligence that exists to serve the Earth and our purpose for being, as above; "intelligence" apart from this is only destructive/self-destructive cleverness, and therefore ignorance most profound, stupidity, mental illness;

-that sanity comes from thinking and living ecologically, and is measured by the degree that we do this; that to obsess and focus only on our own species and its advantage is the root of collective autism, and the end of our existence;

-that anything that is not ecologically resonant does not belong on Earth and will not remain here long;

-that our life on Earth must be redesigned completely according to the ecological laws and principles that gave rise to and direct all life on Earth; Eco sapiens serves Earth, takes direction from Earth's laws and principles in all things. Following are 29 essential ecological design modes that already exist to enable this:

1. Ecological Economics
The Photosynthetic Economy
(Eco-Development -Business -Enterprise – eco-currencies/money)
2. Ecological Technology / Appropriate Technology
3. Ecological Energy (Solar, Renewables)
4. Ecological Politics / Political Ecology / Eco-Governance
(eco-democracy; eco-decentralism)
5. Ecological Engineering
6. Ecological Bio-Technology (as in Todd's "living machines")
7. Ecological "Waste" Management / Composting / Recycling/
8. Industrial Ecology (Industrial eco-systems)
9. Ecological Restoration / Restoration Ecology
10. Ecological Agriculture / Organic Agriculture/ Permaculture
11. Ecological Forestry
12. Eco-Cities / "Green Cities" (Ecological Regional and Urban Planning)
13. Eco-Communities
14. Ecological Architecture
15. Ecological Land Tenure
16. Traditional Land Based Native/Indigenous/First People's Rights
17. Biodiversity & Genetic Diversity Preservation/ All-Species Rights
18. Eco-Theology
(Earth-Based and/or Earth-Honoring Religion and spirituality)
19. Eco-Centrism
20. Ecological Philosophy
21. Eco-Defense / Environmentalism(Environmental Defense, Conservation, Preservation)
22. Ecological Health
(Ecological approaches to health)
23. Eco-Psychology/Eco-Therapy
24. Ecological Law
25. Ecological Auditing
26. Ecological Culture & Arts
(Earth-Based or Earth-Honoring Culture and Arts)
27. Ecological Education
(Ecological bases for general education at all levels)
29. Social Ecology
(Ecological approaches to Peace and Social Justice; generic, non-sectarian)
29. Ecological Burial/Natural Burial/Green Burial
30. Reorganization of human life under bioregionalism/ecoregionalism, the synthesis/integration/summation of all the 29 above;

Continuing traits of ecosapiens…

Go into your ecological mind…

Ask this question:

What are ecosapiens?

What is their nature?

By word, thought, action…


Shepherd’s Ridge ecosystem
Bryant Watershed
Ozarks Bioregion
Interior Low Plateaus
Turtle Island
Planet Earth.

Year 29, FBC
(First Bioregional Congress)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Humbleness is the seed

I found the work of a fine man in Wales who posted this quote in his blog Ecosapiens, Natural Intelligence for Bussiness, from George Bernard Shaw: ">This is the true joy in life...being used for a purpose recognised by yourself as a mighty one, being a force of nature rather than a selfish little clod of grievances and ailments complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy...I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live it is my privilege to do it for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die. For the harder I work the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. Its a sort of splendid torch which I've got to hold up for the moment and want to make it burn more brightly before handing it on to future generations".

We will evolve into Ecosapiens consciously, as a result of our free will (because we are humans) as well as naturally, since the earth is responding in many many ways to our industrial obsession and she is the one with the final say in all of this. Conscious evolution means we have to create a new belief system that little by little will take us to the next stage because we want to survive, and we consciously open ourselves to receiving the information we need in order to evolve. Understanding ourselves as forces of nature and building our values around this premise seems like a very powerful way of living life.

At the moment, the general state of our industrial society is that we are just vessels to be filled up with stuff rather than forces of anything. People treat people as commodities, labor force, and disposable material. But ecosapiens already lives inside us and it is waiting for us to break the walls we have created to survive since we began to civilize ourselves. We are vulnerable little beings that could easily die from drastic temperature changes, illness, starvation. We are deeply fearful of dying like any other animal and we have learned to sustain a sense of security by contributing to the formation of the current system -indirectly through our ancestors, building the walls, the towers, the grids, the circuits, the coffins.

We have plenty of reasons to justify working endless hours for whoever has the power to make us work. Instead of consciously working together to survive, we grow to see each other as competition for a position in society and our tribal roots are broken. The people and other species are just obstacles we have to overcome or sources of what we want. We forget that our species is a strand in the Web of Life and we become insatiable, unhappy, a selfish little clod of grievances and ailments complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy..

Generations go by and even the most educated and traveled ones have no idea what their purpose is in life. We have lost touch with ourselves. Until now when we open our eyes and our pores and our hearts and there is the big mama waiting for us to come back and be ourselves again so leaves may grow from our limbs and birds may nest on our messy hair, and our ears may hear the message of silent snow in a full moon night.

We learn to trust our mother and we realize that we have now what we need to survive. The understanding of who we are has left us knowing that we are both t-i-n-y and powerful, and in our search, we have developed the tools we need to rebuild our society. We can become humans again. In fact we are doing it. The light radiates stronger and stronger. The darkness is quite strong but life itself assures me that by writing this I am radiating even more light with my little light and it is multiplying faster and faster.

I trust our mother. I give thanks every day once at least, at every meal is ideal. At the sight of something beautiful too. I give thanks and then do something better than I did it yesterday. I make more art, more time to play with my daughter, work less if that's what's going to bring some lightness to my tired back. We are not perfect. In fact, we are so screwed-up with so many bad habits! We get lost and forget to stay in the present moment all the time. We are materialistic, escapists, addicted, selfish, immature. And we forget to not
try to figure it out all the time
The medicine? I talk to the big mama. I loose myself in the fast passing of the clouds over my head, or the feeling of the air going in and out of my lungs, or the amazing proportions of my child's body, or the smell of lavender in a bottle...I smile... a humble act of simplicity is enough to radiate more light for the ecosapiens seed to grow in my heart...little by little...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Ecosapiens Experience I

I am aware that the majority of the human component cannot enjoy the luxury of doing what they love because they are enslaved by the industrial society, but the more those who can do it, do it, the more transformation will be radiated to where it is needed. More humans will become empowered to act upon self determination as species. As i do what i love, i help syncronize my species with a more evolved way of existing where people can do what they love as they reconnect with mother earth.